Friday, July 11, 2008

Saturday's To Do List

I'm holding myself accountable to my blog readers (all five of you :), hoping that if it is in writing, and I know that you know what I need to get done, it will inspire me to get moving on it. So here is my "To Do" list for Saturday. Hopefully, I will take before and after pictures of my progess.

1) Go to the garage sale that was advertised as having lots of toddler toys

2) Get hair cut and dyed.

3) Get the mound of clothes in the boys room organized and put in drawers.

4) Three loads of laundry washed and put away.

5) Clear off Vanity in Master bedroom and unpack three boxes labled "Master Bathroom Supplies"

6) Put bedding on Master Bed.

7) Set up Toy Area in Family Room

8) Get blinds on the windows and take down the ugly blue curtains.

9) Make up a menu for the upcoming week.

10) Snuggle up with Nate to watch our Netflix movie that we've had for a week and haven't found the time to watch yet. (It's 10,000 B.C. in case you were curious.)

That should do it for one day, since I have two "Mama's boys" who need their mama's CONSTANT attention. Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

Hey, friend! Your list is super ambitious - you can do it! BTW, I have your blog sent to my phone everytime you update - so rest assured that I am reading EVERY post! Makes it seem like you're not so far away.

Missing you & excited for Access Aluts ;-) Will email tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

I meant "Altus"...

I'm Erin. said...

So ambitious! My list for today looks more like this:
- try not to kill 3-year-old
- try to keep 3-year-old from killing baby
- empty sink
Well, that sounds like all I can handle in a day :)
Good luck to you! You'll feel so much better when you're all settled :)

I'm Erin. said...

Well what's the verdict? Did you get 'er done??