Then all of the sudden this morning he decides it's time to walk. I just happened to be recording a video of the boys and then he just took off. Here is the video we were recording right before the magic happened (Nate doing some exercises with the boys):
And here is Caleb twenty seconds later.
And ever since he's been trying all day to walk. He can even get himself to the standing position from the ground without holding on to a table or shelf or anything.
My baby is growing up!
Also, I think Corban decided that it was time to be potty-trained. I hadn't decided if I really wanted to undergo the challenge of potty training him before the baby came or not. Honestly, sometimes it is just easier to change a diaper, but Corban suddenly has the desire and the skill to be potty trained. We have a while to go, but he is definitely catching on and is a self starter.
He has a sticker chart and everytime he fills up a line with stickers, he gets a special treat (usually in the form of sugar.) He is very motivated by stickers apparently as he takes off his pants several times a day and wants to go potty. Here's a video from his first day on the potty. He apparently caught on fast that potty time can double as reading time.